Enjoy this “Cyber Style” art made by unity script! Press the mouse to experience the jewelry rain.

The enchanting background is created by script-generated mesh, composed by color-changing triangles moving and connected to each other. Vertices and triangles are basic components of a mesh. Therefore, the background is scripted by changing the flat mesh vertices’ coordinates and triangles’ colors that stored in the mesh color array. 

To build the flowing style, some tricks are applied. First, the vertex z-positions change based on the Perlin Noise. Second, triangle colors lerp in 5 stages with 5 end color specified, and each triangle is initialized with a random end color. Third, the octaves parameter in Perlin Noise, as well as the 5 end colors must be chosen very carefully, or it may look like a sh*t. XD

Apart from the background, by pressing the mouse, the blazing-color jewelries start to rain, rotating, colliding in different speeds. Random is introduced a lot in the jewelry rain — random prefabs with random materials, random locations, random scales and random speeds. All of the random creates random collisions. The jewelry rain would never be the repetitive. How interesting it is!

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